Sunday, June 26, 2011

100 Minutes Until Your Birthday!

Soak it in...whoops!  99 minutes!!

I don't think I'm going to talk all the way through this, counting down the 100 minutes - I will say that I am truly the most greatest luckiest guy ever to have you love me, and I thank every day that I have with you!  I will also say that though I am not perfect, you are the driving force that makes me want to be as great as I can be, or as great as I could be!

With the exception of my momma, no other woman in my life has meant more to me than you have!  That's not saying anything against Katie, or Elaine...I just know that you have changed my life so much for the better, in these past two years, that I can't even describe it.

96 minutes!

I've tried so much harder to write since I've known you, and I HAVE used your typewriter!  One of, if not THE best gifts I've ever gotten! 

This shouldn't be about my love for you...this is your birthday!  Yaaay!  How does it feel to be 23 for...94 more minutes??  24 is a strange age - it's right on the cusp of the 'holy crap' feeling of 25, haha...

I'm gonna go check your Tumblr right now, see what you're up to, since all my AWESOME Twitter ideas for you you've rejected...hold on here, let me see what you're up to!


92 minutes...

...that pic of that East 4th sign is a little blurry, but still so cool...cot damn you're cool...

Oh, and Incubus??  Well, I have one question, that I'm gonna go answer right now...


90 minutes...

...Brandon Boyd is 35 years old!  You go have him fall in love with you!  Haha...

Anyway - I hope your birthday this year is the best; I know we're gonna have to go back to Michigan after your birthday, but just remember: your birthday next year will not be in Michigan!  At least we'll be done with what we need to do anyway there!  Yay n' stuff!

Anyway, I'll cut this off now before I start to ramble.  I love you, and you're 88 minutes away from being 24!  87 minutes now!  Let's make this your best year ever my love!



Thursday, June 23, 2011

Who knew you were so passionate about...

HATING Kevin Hart.  I HATE KEVIN HART.  Haha. 

I know you really don't - well, not that much anyway.

I still think he's funny as crap!

Don't get too schmackered on your vay-cay to home for your BIRTHDAY!

May this be the first wishes of your happy birthday!  I know it's not there yet, but we're close!

I love you n shit!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Birthday Present Is Gonna Disappoint...

Oh man...I'm lookin at presents for Ashley, and...aside from Kings of Leon tickets (Which are at LEAST $50 a piece...for lawn seats - in Cincinnati - since they apparently won't go to Cleveland or Detroit - who the fuck do these guys think they are?!?!) and the hotel and travel that would go along with that; I'm looking at 6 different present ideas right now and they will all be a disappointment over the tickets!  Shoooooot...

I mean, I know I messed up the show last time for us, and I want to make up for it, and Ashley reeeeeally wants to go...but $50 apiece, at least, for crappy seats, in Cincinnati, which in August, right when we're moving to another place will be about, what, 6 hours away?  I don't know.  And the hotel too??  It's just not gonna be possible. 

Which means I'm gonna fail to give you a good birthday miscur!  I'm sorry :,(

Unless I get you a DJ Roomba.  Or Maru

Or if I can get Mindy Kaling to come back to Ann Arbor and hang with you.  Haha.

So, I guess this is just a pre-birthday apology:  I'm sorry I didn't get you what you wanted : ( it just wasn't possible!

Unless I can get the Kings to play at AMP for you.

I'm sure their fee would be impossible.  God damn selfish jerks.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Less Than One Month Away...

...and I've got too many ideas for gifts for your birthday!  I'm sitting in my room, you're at work, I'm bored, so I figured I should update this right now!  I'm happy we got to watch a bunch of Futurama last night!  Also, the new pics of you on Facebook are funny and great.  I wish I could put a picture of me on here that you think is funny that would make you laugh, but unfortunately none of my pictures are bad.  None of them are funny.  They're just too perfect.  I'm sorry; some of us just look good always.  I can't help it.

: )

Anywhaaayyy...I hope I get enough moneys for your birthday next month!  So's we can do's all the stuffs we want...I'm just happy you like Futurama.  That's all I need!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


How was the week back at home????  Awesome I know...don't worry, you'll be back super soon!  Hopefully you'll get to stay home this summer, and try out Tim's go-kart!  Zeppy kitty will be fine till you get back!  AND, when your birthday comes back around (47days!...?) your present will hopefully be amazing!!  Maybe your Lloyd Dobler present...I hope!

I like you somewhat miscur!!!

; )

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Already Thinking About Your Birthday?

Ok.  So.  My birthday was, what, 10 days ago?  It's beyond in the past.  Forget about it!  We all know I'm old - now it's time to think about Ashley's birthday!  (I look really old.  Shit.  Moving on!)

I've spent the last, let's say...little bit of time?...thinking about what to get Ashley for her birthday!  This isn't totally because my presents on Christmas and our Anniversary were COMPLETELY POO - no, nonono, that's not it - it's because she deserves super special shit all the time!!  So I already have a few ideas, nothing too expensive, but some good ideas I think. 

...I'm gonna get her a SHITLOAD OF SARA PALIN BIOGRAPHIES!!  They can't GIVE those away at the Border's that's closing by us!  Haha she's such a moron I can't believe people would so blindly follow her just to win a petty argument (Jim Tressel and Ohio State fact, any fan with a winning, but scandal-stricken team) that isn't so petty that will actually end up destroying our country and turn the united states into a disaster area so quickly all the fat people won't be able to hop on their scooters and fly to their handicapped parking spots in front of wal-mart fast enough to hoard all the diet pop before it's stolen and their scooters are swiped from under them and they're left to cry squatting indian style in the parking lot because they don't know how to open a can to eat or how to find water and they'll starve...

what the hell am I talking about???  I digress.

Ashley's birthday is coming up!  Brittney Griner sounds like a man - I just heard her in a press conference right now...

Again - I digress...

I've got some great ideas for Ashley's birthday!  Only...88 days away?  When we get closer I'll have that down better!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello AGAIN!

Hey!  Did you see The Office this week?  Ashley cried like a little angry, angry little girl...but I can't blame her!  It was sweet!  Michael Scott - man, no character has changed so radically, matured so rapidly in TV history as he has!  How about How I Met Your Mother?  The mother is not going to be the captain's daughter...she's a little kid.  That's weird. 

I don't really have more to say...I can't wait till I get some more money so I can take Ashley out...or maybe I'll get her a birthday present!  Her birthday is, after all, only...
..., 98 days away!  That's not enough tiiiiiime!!!

That's ok - I already have some ideas about what to get her - I hope I remember the little thing I was thinking of getting her right now when I'm able to get it...

I love you miscurmeeeuruuururuuurr!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I forgot the sooooong, but I know it goes something like this...


: )

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh Crap.

Might as well put this one and this one too! Keep the series going!

Love and kisses and misses! : )


Oh Ashley...

I'm home now, on Sunday, starting our week at home for spring break!  And I misses anyone would.  But I found a treasure for you, maybe you'll see this before I have to tell you about it!!! I hope so...


Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Thought I (Apparently) Determined Needed Saving

"How many times the Sun has slowly climbed over the horizon, bringing with it the soft orange rays of a new day: a new day, a new start, giving life the chance to live; and how many thousands, millions … billions of those alive never appreciated that sunrise."

Yeah, I wrote an honest moment, and for some reason, determined it was a great enough, clever enough, original enough idea that it needed to be saved, in case I wrote more about it.  Finally I found something to give you that was dopey, chachy, and cliche and dumb that I wrote! (Because none of my other writing is...haha)

(Also: Arcade Fire won Album of the Year at The Grammys?!  They do get it right sometimes, I've always said...)

Sweet New Macbook Pro!

So you're brushing your teeth while I use YOUR new awesome Macbook Pro to write on YOUR blog I made for YOU...this is fun!  I wish I had one of these...this laptop totally kicks my laptop's ass.  Then again, it's like my car too: it may not look like much, but it runs well, I appreciate it, and it has really comfortable seats!  So you can KEEP your laptop!  I'll go use mine!  Uh oh, you're coming back...gotta go!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello Again : )

I was told that I make you laugh the most of anyone ever, even though I'm not funny.  Well, I'll take that in stride...haha.  Thank you for the carrrrd!!!  What a nice ya go!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stop Reading About The Great Depression!

You're such a nerd!  It's 12:30 at're reading about The Great Depression on Wikipedia, and you're harvesting watermelons on your Smurf Farm to make a potion...please put on your nerd muffs to finalize the deal!  Haha you're so awesome!!!